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A trip back home always floods me with memories..comparisons..

5 things that I never want to change..and haven't
-- Overflowing local trains always with room for more.
-- Friendships and relationships.
-- People on the streets, people on trees, people in the gardens, people in shops, people in the gym, people at the movies, people at the beach, people in temples, people in churches, people in mosques
-- Doctor's bills for less than the price of an American meal.
-- Fifteen samosas for less than two dollars.

Joy in the littlest of things..

5 things that I wish would have changed..but haven't
-- Road sense which makes a simple commute no less adventurous than the world's most dangerous rollercoaster ride.
-- Indian news channels missing the point. Soaps which have no point.
-- Being able to wake up, brush, shower, eat lunch, wash plates, clean the room, do grocery and yell obscenities for six minutes all in the time it takes for a webpage to open.
-- Rickshaw wallahs being rude and denying senior citizens rides.
-- Men short enough to pick your pocket and tall enough to have their oily sweaty heads as close to your nose as possible in overcrowded buses.

And then ofcourse..there are bigger problems..


HAHAHAHA... nice one bro!!

March 9, 2009 at 3:46 PM  

Thanks man :)

Though I personally feel this one isn't as good as the others..

March 9, 2009 at 4:13 PM  


March 9, 2009 at 8:48 PM  

hehe.. talking about short men with stinky hair...makes me think of men tall enough to get their smelly arm pits are at the same level as our noses. you would never experience that.. just another perspective. :P

March 10, 2009 at 8:43 PM  

True true....especially about the web page part :)

March 14, 2009 at 9:39 PM  

-- Indian news channels missing the point. Soaps which have no point.

Unfortunately, these don't only happen in India. All over the world we have un-news worthy-news. Also, soaps have the same plot over and over again... :(

November 6, 2009 at 12:05 AM  

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